Works made for hire, ©2024 Illustrative Mathematics®
Art Direction
IM® v.360 is the latest evolution of Illustrative Mathematics®’s K–12 Math curriculum, a dynamic resource designed to enhance the learning experience at every grade level. As the Art Director for this project, I guided the creative vision behind the branding, working closely with a branding consultant to craft a distinctive identity.
After finalizing the original IM v.360 logo and overall branding, the next challenge was to adapt it for state-specific adoptions. To bring this vision to life, I enlisted an external brand consultant, with a clear directive: we wanted to create a “badge” style logo—something versatile that could serve as an emblem or “seal of approval,” while also working beautifully as a sticker.
The results for our California and New York IM v.360 branding have exceeded expectations, capturing the essence of each state’s unique educational identity. Under my direction, we extended the brand to various assets, including slide deck templates, printed marketing materials, apparel, and more.
- Use the IM v.360 logo as a base for state specific branding
- Carry out the brand through various marketing matierals spanning multiple channels, including digital, print, events, social media, motion graphics and more
- Insure the brand is cohesieve and fresh with mulitple designers as touchpoints with the brand